How Dental Practices Can Go Paperless

By |2024-03-01T14:47:34+00:00June 25th, 2019|Paperless Benefits|

A trip to the dentist is something that cannot be avoided. Dental practices see vast amounts of patients each day resulting in printing huge amounts of paper based documents for patients to complete, sign and to then be manually inputted into their system. For some practices, once this form has been completed it is then

Paperless Incident Report Forms

By |2019-10-09T14:32:14+00:00February 11th, 2019|Near Miss Form|

In this weeks iPEGS Go Paperless Article we are looking at Incident Report Forms, why they are needed and how going paperless with these types of forms has a multitude of benefits. Incident Report Forms are used in a wide variety of sectors from Health Care, Construction, Education, Manufacturing, Utilities, Transportation and in the general

iPEGS Remote – The customer communication app

By |2024-03-01T14:53:21+00:00August 18th, 2016|Uncategorized|

iPEGS Remote enables you to Communicate & Capture Data from your customers in a completely new way. iPEGS Remote was designed to make connecting with your customers more effective. Life is getting increasingly busy which is why mobile technology can help us in our every day tasks (such as filling out forms). BUSINESSES:

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